選択した画像 a href tag in html example 169903-Hyperlink tag in html example
The HTML tag adds the 'a' element to a web page The 'a' element creates a hyperlink (a hypertext anchor) to a web page or other resource To use the tag, you place the text you want to have linked between the opening and closing tags You also need to provide the URL to where the link points to (by using the href attribute) If you don't include this attribute, the elementThis is an actual working demo of the example code below HTML Anchors Defining the target of a link within a page The href attribute of the tag can reference the id attribute of one of the HTML tags to link to a specific point within a web page, automatically scrolling the browser window if necessary to make that section of the web page appear in the currently visible areaSpecify a Resource to Download download Links are also used to tell a browser to start downloading a file The download attribute is used to identify a link that should initiate a download and the value assigned to the download attrib